So, upon sending Rick a wink on March 9, 2006, We started e-mailing. He gave me a TON of crap for being a Yankee's fan. I gave him a TON of crap for being an accountant. We exchanged cute, funny and flirty e-mails for a long time. At least three weeks. He kept telling me to call him, but I kept sending him my number. I really didn't, and still don't feel that the girl should make the first telephone call. It's nerve wracking stuff people!
Rick had my work e-mail address, and he would send me silly things to work (shhhh! Don't tell anyone at Frontier, my Frontier friends ;) ) He would write things like "what are you wearing"? I would crazy things back like "Pajamas and bunny slippers". We would laugh through email. Don't forget, I had a my brother's wedding coming up. I was short on time. Rick kept asking me out, and I kept putting him off. He still didn't call me though. I guess men are just as scared as women when it comes to these things.
Soon, he emailed me that he was leaving for Vegas the next week. He was going by himself. Being single, Rick did a lot of things by himself. He was also an extremely independant person. I couldn't fathom doing anything like going to a restaurant by myself, never mind going on vacation by myself. The horror! He told me, that he never let being single stop him from doing anything he wanted to do. He would even take himself out to eat on Valentine's day. Wow! What a brave soul! I would never!!! Anyway, he promised me that he would call me from Las Vegas (for the first time, remember!) and when he called me, it would be from in front of the Bellagio fountains. I thought that was cute, and kind of romantic. That is until I never heard from him. I certainly didn't blame him. He was on vacation. Why would he want to speak to me? Then again, why would he say he was going to call if he had no intentions of doing so? Weird!
When Rick got home from Las Vegas, he sent me an email saying he was home. It had a hurt tone to it. I asked him if everything was okay, and he replied "do you really want to go out with me?". "Of course I do"! I told him. "After the wedding". Which was the end of March. He then asked me why I didn't give him the right phone number. "Are you playing games with me"? I was horrified. "What phone number do you have"? When he read off the phone number, the last number was wrong. He programmed the wrong phone number into his cell phone. I don't know if he heard me wrong, or if it was just a mistake, but he DID try to call me. He just got a "this number is disconnected" message instead.
After the phone number debacle was cleared up, we started texting. This is where, my friends, I became a man. For a few days, he was texting me basic things. Asking how my day is going, telling me how bored he was at work. Usual stuff. Then this horrible flu hit me. I have absolutely no immunity to anything. Whatever goes around, I end up with it. I was SO sick. I was burning up and freezing. I hurt so bad, that I couldn't even get out of bed. I was out of work for a week. So not like me. Anybody who knows me knows that I saved every day off to travel. NOT to be laying in bed. I had the horrible chest cold, and no voice whatsoever.
I texted Rick, and i told him not to email me at work. That I was sick. He was very concerned. He wanted to come from Minneapolis-keep in mind that we still had never met-to bring me soup and ice cream. "Are you insane!?" " I wouldn't come within 10 miles of my house if I were you"! He told me that he never gets sick, and that he really wants to help me feel better. I looked like I felt. Not exactly the first impression that you want to make on a future possible boyfriend. I told him that I would be okay. That I had my parents to pick me up anything I needed. There was still no phone call. It was all text. I didn't want to let on how exhausting the texting was for me, and how I wanted it to stop, but somehow, everytime I got another text, I felt like a giddy school girl.
This brings us to the point where I unintentionally turned into a man. Every day of that week that I was home, I was bedridden, so what else is there to do but watch TV? The first day that I was home, Rick texted me. "What are you doing"? he wanted to know. I had to stop myself from answering that I was running a marathon. I'm very sarcastic, and I didn't know him well enough yet to bring on the full force sarcasm. "I'm watching Days Of Our Lives". I replied. He asked me if I usually watch soap operas. I told him that I used to watch Days many years ago, but I had stopped because it had gotten so stupid. 5 years later, I picked up on the stories like it was just yesterday. He told me that his grandmother used to watch soap operas. She called them "my stories". He asked me what was going on with the show. Being cute, I decided I was going to create my own story line with me being Blanche and Rick being Robert. It was a very dramatic story line. I don't remember the specifics, but Blanche had just had a baby, and Robert thought it was his but it wasn't. Etc..... Everyday at 12:00 or so, Rick would text me to find out what was going on with "Blanche and Robert" I think it was Wednesday or Thursday when I texted back that Robert just found out that Blanche was really a man. I thought I was being hilariously funny. Especially for being sick and cloudy headed. I never heard back from him. That was strange. Usually the second I texted him, he would text me back. A few hours passed by and I asked him if he was okay. Still nothing. Weird! Around 5:00 or so, I got a text asking me if I was serious. "Serious about what"?? He asked "about being a man"? I was really confused. What in the world was he talking about? I answered him with "well Blanche is seriously a man, I seriously am not". He wrote "Oh, Thank God! I was really scared"! Of what? Did he really think I was a man?
I told him that I was still confused. He then explained everything he had been through on He said that the experience is way different for women than it is for men. He had girls from Russia sending him messages that they were in love with him from his profile, and if he would send them a plane ticket, they would come to see him. He also had trans-gender people winking at him and writing to him. Rick was as liberal as it got. He had no problem with any "type" of people. He really loved everybody. But he was not interested in dating a man or a trans-gender person. He thought that my little story about Blanche and Robert was my sly way of telling him that I was a man!!!! OMG! As sick as I was, I was hysterical laughing. He thought I was a man! I was trying to be cute and funny, and he thought I was telling him that I was a man! Ha Ha!!! He wasn't as amused. He was embarrased. He said that he didn't know what to think. He's been talking to me by email and text for over a month, I keep putting off his dates, and I haven't called him. Hee hee.....a man! I first reminded him that he was supposed to call me, he's the dummy that put the wrong number in his phone and I am most definately NOT a man. At least the last time I checked anyway.
I was sure this would finally get him to call ;) Stay tuned for the story of our first phone call.
P.S. My positive of the day is that it is raining really hard here. My grass and flowers need it desperately!
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