My Beautiful family

My Beautiful family
My beautiful family is no longer complete......

Thursday, July 14, 2011

God created the earth, the heavens, and some interesting men....

So by now, everybody knows that Rick and I met on  I can never thank them enough for putting the two of us together.  Of course, I really know that it was fate, but Match helped fate out.

My brother met his wife on a dating site.  My mom thought it would be a great idea for me.  I resisted with every ounce of my being.  I don't want to be on a dating site!  My mom told me that things aren't like they used to be.  "Where are you going to meet somebody?  At a bar?"  I don't know mom.  Maybe a Sock hop?  Maybe things are the same as they "used to be"?  I just don't know.  "Alright"!  "I'll try it".

The first dating site my mom suggested was JDate.  This is a Jewish website.  This is also the website that my brother met his wife on.  I told my mom it would be a waste of time and money.  While there are a LOT of Jewish guys in Brooklyn, there are barely any in Minnesota.  She told me to try it.  Okay, I did.  I met this guy right away.  He had converted to Judaism.  I dated him for a while.  He was boring, but he was nice.  When we hired a limousine for my 30th birthday party, and it dropped us off at the restaurant in Minneapolis, but never picked us up, he actually walked home (thank God he lived in Minneapolis), and got his car and drove us all home.  About 15 people.  It was funny.  Everybody was sitting on every body's laps.  He was nice, like I said, but he bored me to tears.  I also think I was a bigger personality than he was able to handle.  Goodbye boyfriend #1 off the Internet.  NEXT.......

As I predicted, nothing came of JDate.  It was the same 5 guys.  I had the guy who decided he loved me on our first date and when I made the mistake of getting into his car to go from the restaurant to the movies, tried to grope me over and over.  Ick!  Okay, moving on.....My mom really wanted me to be with somebody Jewish.  Not because she doesn't like other religions.  She just felt that it would be easier on the marriage, and easier on any children that should come from the marriage.  I told her that if she really wanted me to be with somebody Jewish, she should not have moved me to Minnesota.  Period.  End of discussion.

The next website was  After all, you see the sentimental commercials with all the happy couples.  They boast that they have the highest success rate.  Yada, yada, yada.  Okay, here we go....

There was the guy who was super nice, but after about ten dates, he told me he didn't know what to do with me.  Huh?  I was something that needed something to be done with??  What?  He explained to me that he likes to date "damsels in distress".  He likes to be the knight in shining armor that comes to a girls rescue.  He told me that I didn't seem like a girl that needed rescuing.  Ummm.... Okay.  NEXT!

There was the guy who lived very close to me, which made me happy to not have to drive to the city.  He seemed nice.  He had a great job and a really nice house.  The problem was, he wanted every second of my time.  He wanted me to come over every night.  Spend entire weekends with him.  Drop off meals at his work so he could "show me off"  Exhausting to say the least.  Then I was driving my brand new Acura MDX one day, and he was in the passenger seat.  We got rear ended.  I started to cry.  He couldn't understand why I was crying, and told me I was making a big deal out of nothing.  I couldn't understand why he didn't think that an accident with your brand new car would be upsetting.  The final straw was when we went to have lunch at Chipotle.  It was the one that I always went to.  Right across the street from my work.  He had never been to a Chipotle before.  He didn't understand the accent of the person who was helping us (who happened to be very sweet.  She helped me all the time) and started cursing at her and calling her names that you could not even imagine,  because we were in F'n America, and people should learn to speak F'n English.  Yeah......I'm NOT kidding.  That was a BIG NEXT.......

I decided to take a break from the internet.  I had a good friend who wanted to set me up with somebody.  I'm not going to go into too many details with this one, but let's just say, I really liked him.  I even thought he could be THE one.  We went on our first date, talked for hours, until they literally threw us out of the restaurant.  He had a great personality.  He was a smoker like I was at the time.  I loved that, because I didn't get dirty looks every time I reached for my cigarettes.  I told him that hopefully I would be able to see him again, but it would be about 3 weeks.  I was leaving for an Eastern European vacation in two days and had a lot to do.  I hadn't even packed.  I would be gone close to the three weeks.  He asked if he could see me the next night.  I told him I couldn't, I had to pack.  He was very persuasive, and I ended up seeing him the next night and we talked for hours again.  I came home around 2:00 AM, and had to get on a 6:00 AM flight.  I told him that I couldn't call him from Eastern Europe because the calls would be so expensive, but I broke down twice, and called him for a couple of minutes.  We definately had chemistry.  No doubt about that.  When I got home, he wanted to take me to Duluth.  While we were there, we walked past a church or a school, I don't really remember, that was burying a time capsule.  It was to be dug up in 30 years I think.  He looked at me and said, when that time capsule is dug up, we will be standing here together, married, watching it being dug up.  My heart skipped a beat.  We went to dinner, and he was staring at my left hand.  I asked him what he was looking at.  He told me that he was picturing a ring on "that" finger.  Could it be that my search was finally over?  No.  He was not my destiny.  After Duluth, things got a little strange.  He wanted to slow things down.  Um, okay... He asked me out for another date and was trying to kiss me.  Weren't we supposed to slow things down?  I was so confused.  That was the end.  He stopped answering my calls.  I texted him a few times to see what was going on.  He didn't answer.  I still don't know what happened.  He's the only guy out of everybody I ever dated that I felt was "the one who got away".  I now know that he wasn't God's plan for me.  NEXT!........

I went back on Match.  Right away I met a nice guy.  I was 30, and he was 40.  I definately did not mind the age difference, but he so did not have his life together.  He didn't have a car, he lived in an apartment with 2 younger female roommates.  It felt like Three's Company without the laughs.  I liked him.  There was no way I would ever love him.  As a friend put it, he was bland.  That he was.  There was never enough money to go out.  We sat around his apartment all the time.  His roommates started getting irritated that I was a "permanent fixture".  He promised to take me to Florida to the point that we even bought the plane tickets.  Then he got a part in some community theater play and said we couldn't go.  I had enough.  I broke up with him right before Valentine's day, 2006.  I was so disgusted with him that it was worth spending another Valentine's day alone, rather than break up with him after.  Ugh.  Very weakly, and with much exhaustion, I said next.......

I really wanted a break.  From everything.  From, from talking to guys, from first dates, from analyzing relationships.  That was not meant to be.  My mother knew that I was miserable without a soul mate. She kept pushing me.  I was writing back and forth to no less than a dozen guys.  All wanting to take me out.  Me putting them off.  I did have a good excuse.  My brothers wedding was coming up.  My sister-in-law was a bit of a bridezilla.  I had fittings for my bridesmaid dress every week, etc....Nothing too terrible, but very time consuming.  Truly, however, my heart did not jump out at any of the gentlemen I was speaking with.  I was waiting for someone or something.  I would find out about 2 weeks later exactly what I was waiting for.

I was waiting for Rick.

Okay, my positive of the day.  I made it through parental training.  This happens every Thursday.  The supervisor of Lucas's Therapy program makes me work with him like they do.  I haven't been feeling well, so I've really been dreading it.  She even takes notes on my interactions with my own son.  I feel somewhat belittled.  Every week I cry through parental training because Rick should be here to see the progress that his little boy is making.  Slow, but steady.  Today, I made it.  Sick, exhausted and with not one tear.  I did it Baby :-)

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